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August 2022

NPPR Election is Approaching

Elections will be held for five NPPR Board of Directors positions by the end of this month. Please watch for your ballot to arrive soon. This is a great opportunity to learn about the people running and show them your support. 

TOP LEFT: Rick Reibstein, Jason Marshall, and Emily Byrne; TOP RIGHT: Rick Reibstein and Jason Marshall; BOTTOM LEFT: Liz Harriman and Rick Reibstein; BOTTOM RIGHT: Rick Reibstein, Liz Harriman, and Emily Byrne

Save the Date for Pollution Prevention Week!

"Pollution Prevention for Cleaner Air and a Better Climate" 

Pollution Prevention Week is coming up September 19-25. NPPR and a number of other groups will be holding events in honor of the occasion. Be sure to check the Events page for a full schedule of events, and contact so we can post your event. P2 Week will also be when this year's Most Valuable Pollution Prevention (MVP2) Award winners are announced. 

Watch this page for upcoming P2 Week events

Workgroup updates

About NPPR Workgroups

NPPR's workgroups bring together P2 professionals from across the country to share ideas, information, and deliverables. The topical areas coincide with EPA national emphasis areas and other areas of interest to the P2 community.

NPPR currently hosts six active workgroups. They are:

Food & Beverage

We would like to thank out-going Food & Beverage Workgroup Chair, Joy Onasch, for her years of hard work and dedication spreading pollution prevention throughout the food and beverage industry.  And we would like to welcome our new Food & Beverage Co-chairs, Kathy Black (NH) and Ben Jarvis (ID) as they organize our next workgroup meeting to be held on Monday, Sept. 12, 2022 at 1pm (ET)/ 10am (PT).  At this meeting, guest speaker Ify Isigwe with the Washington Department of Ecology will speak about reductions for CIP, refrigeration, and pH wastewater management. 

Please email if you are interested in receiving workgroup notifications. Recordings of past webinars are available on the F&B workgroup resource page.

Register for the Workgroup meeting here

Metal Finishing

Our last workgroup meeting was on June 21 and featured guest speaker Michael Johnson of Lean Environment, Inc. who gave an excellent presentation, and we hope he will return as a speaker for a future workgroup meeting.

We hope to announce the date of our next meeting soon, so watch your email inbox for the announcement.  If you want to be sure to receive it, you can sign up for the Metal Finishing Workgroup email list by sending a message to 

From the States

Region 4

Swimming Pool Pollution Prevention

Do you know any swimming pool owners interested in preventing pollution?  Orange County, Florida has developed a great website with the information you need. It covers everything from what substances in pool water are potentially harmful to the environment to how to safely discharge drained pool water.

    Visit their website here

    Region 5

    Minnesota is Serious About Chlorinated Solvent Pollution Prevention

    You have probably already heard about Minnesota's ban on trichloroethylene (TCE). Now, they're focusing on PERC. That's right, Minnesota has banned the use of perchloroethylene (PERC) as a dry-cleaning solvent starting in 2026. In order to facilitate this transition, they are currently offering up to $20,000 in cost-share grant funding to owners/operators of dry-cleaning facilities using PERC to switch to a technically viable and environmentally preferable alternative or to simply decommission their existing PERC machines.

    More information

    Regions 9 & 10

    P2 West Conference

    The programs of EPA Region 9 and 10 are joining forces to bring you one of the premier pollution prevention events of the nation -- P2 West: Inspiration, Innovation, and Implementation. The event will be held on Oct 18-20, 2022 in Portland, Oregon. P2 West will offer a variety of sessions on emerging pollution prevention (P2) topics, best practices of technical assistance providers (TAPs), and many networking opportunities so you can learn from and connect with current and potential partners. Come and join us to increase your understanding of the issues affecting our nation, their solutions, and enjoy the scenery of the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

    Learn more and register

    U.S. EPA News

    New P2 Grant Listening Sessions Announced

    The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced two listening sessions, Sept. 7 and 8, 2022 to collect input on the development of a new grant opportunity made possible by the $100 million investment in the agency’s Pollution Prevention (P2) program from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. 

    EPA is interested in understanding how these grants can be most accessible and useful to applicants. EPA will also seek additional insight into how funded projects can increase supply and demand for safer, environmentally preferable products, such as those certified by EPA’s Safer Choice program or identified by EPA’s Environmentally Preferable Purchasing program. Additionally, the agency is also interested in feedback on which projects would best support the grant’s goals, how to best encourage grantees to partner with other organizations to maximize project impact, how to best encourage projects that will benefit underserved communities and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and which barriers exist to potential applicants and what can be done to minimize those barriers.

        For more information or to register

        New Publications

        Renewable Energy Guidance for Industry

        This document from DOE is intended to help Better Buildings, Better Plants partners navigate the renewable energy market by providing background on renewable technologies and their benefits, as well as a wide range of purchasing options available to organizations. This guidance provides helpful information on adopting renewables by highlighting tools and resources for evaluating renewable energy projects. It also provides information on how renewable energy resources are accounted for by Better Plants reporting requirements. A separate supplemental document to this guidance provides more in-depth information about renewable technologies.

        Better Plants recently hosted a webinar that highlights information from the guide.

        Read the document here

        2022 Better Buildings, Better Plants Summit recap

        In May, approximately 700 attendees from public, private, and industrial sectors gathered for the 2022 Better Buildings, Better Plants Summit for two and a half days of networking, discussions, and energy efficiency-focused tours of local facilities.

        View the Summit opening plenary, including the keynote address from National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy, and the Summit presentation decks and transcripts.

          Non-PFAS Wetting Agents for Decorative Chromium(VI) Plating

          This Products Finishing article is based on a presentation given at NASF SUR/FIN 2022, in Rosemont, Illinois, in Session 6, Responses to PFAS / PFOA. The case study describes three facilities’ conversion from PFAS-containing wetting agents to non-PFAS equivalents, eliminating PFAS and moving forward with a smaller and more sustainable environmental footprint. 

          Read about the 3 case studies here

          Louisville Charter for Safer Chemicals policy papers

          The Louisville Charter for Safer Chemicals is a roadmap to transform chemical industry. It consists of a preamble vision statement and ten platform planks that lay out the principles that must guide this transition. These policy papers provide more background on each Charter plank and provide specific policy directions and recommendations to put them into practice.

          The following papers are currently available:

          Recommendations for the chemical industry are here

          NASF/AESF Foundation Research Project #121: Development of a Sustainability Metrics System and a Technical Solution Method for Sustainable Metal Finishing - 8th Quarterly Report

          This NASF-AESF Foundation research project report covers the eighth quarter of project work (January-March 2022) at Wayne State University in Detroit.  The major activities in this report period are: (1) the development of a sustainability assessment method for technology evaluation with case studies, and (2) a continuous development of a software tool for sustainability assessment. 

          Read sustainable metal finishing progress here

          Hold the Plastic, Please: A Restaurant's Guide to Reducing Plastic

          Beyond Plastics has created this guide to help any restaurant that is interested in reducing its use of plastic make key switches and communicate them effectively to existing customers, prospective customers, the media, and the general public. The guide offers practical advice, tools, resources, and case studies of two restaurants who have successfully reduced their use of plastic.

          Get the free guide here

          Charting the Path: Sustainability Leaders Survey

          In January 2022, Natural Capital Exchange (NCX) interviewed 250 sustainability leaders from across the United States to learn how they are approaching their programs. This report is intended to provide sustainability professionals with insight on what this cohort is thinking about and prioritizing, and will provide tips for reaching sustainability goals.

          Download the report here

          Submit a Story 

          Do you have a new project, publication, or event you want to promote to your NPPR colleagues?

          Share it in the newsletter!

          Upcoming Events

          Annual Minnesota Technical Assistance Program Intern Presentations
          Today, Aug. 17, 2022

          Learn more

          Pollution Prevention Finance Forum
          Aug. 23, 2022

          Learn more

          Food & Beverage Workgroup Meeting
          Monday, Sept. 12
          , 2022

          Learn more

          2022 Pollution Prevention Week
          Sept. 19-25
          , 2022

          Learn more

          P2 West Conference
          Oct. 18-20
          , 2022

          Learn more